carlito's way
my job as assistant choreographer to jeffrey hornaday was to audition female strippers for the club scenes, to help teach and cast dancers for the ballet scene and to coach pennelope anne miller on her dance moves. a bonus from this flick was when I was kissed on the cheek by al pacino.
note to dancers: be and do every job that you feel fits you. there could always be a kissing scene that makes your day.
featured photo: roberta mathes and penelope anne miller
fatal attraction
i was booked as an extra. before i knew it, i was front and center choreographing moves between michael douglas and glenn close. the shot? they pan up my leg at the latin club.
note to dancers: always take that “extra” role. you’ll never know when you’ll be upgraded or put into that “extra” scene.
american ballet theatre’s "make a ballet" program
i was on the faculty of ABT's NYC summer intensive when i was approached to be a part of their "make a ballet" program. we, as performing artists went/we went into inner city schools to teach arts and dance education & instill the love for performing arts in children and teens. at the commencement of the program choreographic presentation was featured on the stage at the MET. the athleticism of my choreography given to the male teens provided them with a new appreciation of dance. for me, it was an honor to have my work seen on the largest stage in the world!
note to dancers: creating work for non dancers can sometimes be as inspiring as choreographing for dancers.
bergenPAC's annual galas
when i took the job as the artistic director for beyond dance, my career opportunities were met as i became the resident choreographer for the theatre. this gave rise to being an influential part of bergenPAC’s prestigious annual galas, choreographing the opening segment for such greats as tony bennett, dionne warwick, chaka khan, stephanie mills, and paul anka.
note to dancers: keep going, keep striving. your career path is always changing and growing.
chippendale's reunion

for the geraldo show on (CBS)
teaching at Steps on Broadway can be a link to interesting connections. one day i had brooke shields in my class and another day i had original chippendale strippers/dancers, michael rapp and eddie privo. eddie, who later became an accountant, was asked to perform on the geraldo show for a chippendale’s reunion and i choreographed the video for his segment. after that, i landed more gigs choreographing for male strippers.
note to dancers: you never know where your artistry will take you! (LOL)