meredith akins
broadway dancer: wicked, mama mia, footloose
thank God i was taught by roberta mathes. i first took class from roberta at the age of 10. she expected discipline and hard work, which is why i can thank her for my career in dance. roberta has always been an advocate for aspiring dancers. it’s her love of teaching the necessary fundamentals and the meaning of having a passion that creates the professional dancer. she was extremely supportive of my craft and helped me visualize a successful future in dance. without her complete faith in me, i don’t think i would have had the confidence to pursue this career.
sarah atereth
top 5 billboard recording artist and song-writer
roberta mathes is a rare treasure. she is a lightning bolt and a ticker-tape parade. she is not only on fire, she is the fire. roberta has her own style and way of expressing her emotions through her movements. she has an undeniable charisma i will never forget the first time i saw her dance. it was like nothing i had ever seen. roberta's choreography captivated me. astonished by her creativity, amazed by her energy and spirit, i know the world of dance has a gift in roberta.
roberta is also both a mentor and a dear friend. roberta has taught me discipline, strength and passion, not only in dance, but in everyday life. she is that pivotal person who set me on a new creative path, leading me to where i am today. i have known roberta for over two decades. she has always come through for me and her dancers. roberta has a following of students who pledge their allegiance and love to her. everyone wants to be like roberta.
fred benjamin
roberta’s teacher since 1983, former chairman of jazz dance: alvin ailey
“the demands for artistic perfection and the joy of performing she expects from herself, roberta shares with her students.” Dance Teacher magazine.
tyce diorio
professional dancer, choreographer: broadway, SYTYCD
working with roberta mathes is something that will stay with me for a long time... she leaves an impact unmatched by many through her talents, creativity and spirit. she has longevity, a world of knowledge in dance and choreography as well as many other gifts- just connecting with people. she’s always spotted the person going for technical perfection rather than glitz.
lauren kennedy
former student
roberta’s teachings have overcome the limitations of the dance studio and have permeated into all aspects of my life. from roberta, i have learned to accept criticisms from other instructors and this quality has helped me improve both academically and personally. her demands for excellence have inspired me to strive to achieve my personal best in everything i do.
maria marano
adult student
she’s poetry in motion
kelli gautreau
adult student, working performing artist: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, High School Musical
roberta's unique teaching style allows for every student to get the
personalized attention they need to succeed. She is dedicated to her
craft and is extremely passionate about her students. roberta mathes
lives for dance.
orly milstein shapira
adult student, dance teacher and new mother
it has been a pleasure and a privilege knowing and working with roberta mathes these past 10 years. roberta is one of the most talented choreographers, dancers and teachers i have ever known. roberta has taught in some of the most prestigious dance schools in the world, as well as established and successfully run her own dance studio. she has produced and directed numerous shows, and has been asked to take part in some of New York’s most desirable dance performances such as DRA and The Elan Awards. roberta devotes herself whole heartedly to everything she undertakes. she cares deeply about each and every one of her students and colleagues, and does her absolute best to provide them with a meaningful experience to make them fall in love with dance. she inspires her dancers to excel and strive for greatness.
roberta’s enthusiasm and energy are contagious, and I have no doubt she will continue motivating and exciting many more dancers, teachers and choreographers for many years to come.
on a personal note, i was in roberta’s class when I first fell in love with jazz, which has become my leading dance style ever since. it’s because of her that i am still dancing to this day (now that my professional dancing days are over). i admire roberta not only on a professional level but on a personal one as well, and am grateful for having her as a teacher, mentor and friend in my life.
anastasia neimann
adult student, working performing artist and choreographer: CLIMAX
roberta mathes has been one of the strongest motivating forces in my life as a dancer and performer. throughout my childhood and early adulthood, her teaching methodology provided me with a solid foundation for my education in dance; her discerning eye challenged me to grow and push myself during every class, and her dedication and faith were a constant reminder of how supportive and invested she is in each of her students. roberta’s own dancing is an inspiration to watch; observing her work has granted me a sense of dynamics that are of crucial value in all of my performing and choreography endeavors. beyond this, she has instilled in me a relentless work ethic, an attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence that i carry with me wherever i go.
lynn simonson
former teacher and mentor of roberta mathes
as an early teacher of roberta mathes, it touches me deeply to watch her talent and passion for dance, that I recognized so early on, continue to grow and inspire newer generations of students.
la reina smith
adult student, dance teacher and occupational therapist
roberta lives and breathes dance and when she moves she bares her soul. her mission on earth is to inspire others to be the best. she expects perfection from her students because she knows the dance world is not a game. she strives to equip her students with a solid dance foundation, a love and passion for dance. the woman whom i speak of is none other than my jazz dance teacher for over 10 years, roberta mathes, who i have come to know and love and whose flame will never die.
ashley torres
adult student and account coordinator in advertising
if i had to pick one word to describe roberta mathes, it would be: PASSION. her passion for her art exudes vividly through every movement she teaches. roberta’s style of choreography is simple, yet detailed, precise and fierce. she leaves a little bit of herself in every piece she creates.
her warm up and classes are a perfect collaboration of the old school push for hard work and dedication, mixed with a modern style of dance.
her style is a perfect infusion of dance technique with an emotional flair. each step is exaggerated to such a degree that you can feel the emotion behind the dancer. her choreography is more than technique; her dances tell a story.
after taking classes with many teachers in both new york and new jersey, it is plain to see just how unique the roberta mathes style truly is.
that is the greatness in the roberta mathes style. her choreography cannot be categorized or grouped with others. her style is unique and simply stated – one-of-a-kind.
liz vayda
adult student and marketing manager
as a teacher, roberta gives a lot of individual attention and truly cares about her students' progress. her warm up is long and focused on strengthening a dancer's core. where other teachers breeze through to choreography, she takes the time to correct. she works intimately with each student and understands their strengths and weaknesses.
as a choreographer, the best way to describe her is earthy and emotive. when performing roberta’s work, i am able to reveal my own personal expression. some of her best work borrows from the deep seated roots and feel of african and latin dance. she is capable of a wide variety of choreography, from lyrical to a more pop feel of jazz. i believe its her passion which drives dancers to want to work with her.
sharon weiner
adult student former ABT summer intensive dancer and music composer
roberta is a nurturing teacher and inspiring artist. rare to find both those qualities in one person. she is strong on technique and equally strong on soul, and has a sixth sense for how to get the best dancing out of each individual. in the ten years i've known her, she has supported and pushed me in all the right ways to help me grow as a dancer. lastly, her choreography is creative and cool. her energy is amazing and her classes are fun!